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This policy applies to all information collected or submitted in SavePare for iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and any other devices and platforms.


Our stance on privacy


We strongly believe that your data belongs to you. We do not collect any identifiable information about our users; we only track the bare minimum needed to debug issues, to view download and purchase trends, and to figure out what to work on next.


What information does SavePare collect?


SavePare collects anonymized metadata using Apple’s built in metrics system. This system sends data such as session length, crash reports, device type, and locale.


In addition, RevenueCat is used for anonymized purchase tracking. This means that when someone makes a purchase in the app, we see that a purchase was made at a particular time in a particular country; no other data is collected, and so this purchase data cannot be linked to a user’s identity. More information on RevenueCat’s privacy policy can be found here.


Finally, SavePare collects some simple, aggregate, anonymous statistics about the usage of certain key features within the app.


What does SavePare do with this data?


Anonymized crash reports and device info are used to fix crashes within the app. Your anonymized device data may also be used to prioritize support for translating to certain languages. Total download count and other aggregated metrics may be used for marketing purposes, or for making decisions about features to add or improve.


Your consent


By using SavePare, you consent to this privacy policy.


Changes to this policy


Changes to this privacy policy may periodically be made and posted here. Visit this page at any time to check for updates.


Last updated: Dec 1st, 2022


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© 2022 Nate Bishop

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